Information Security and Sustainability


The concept of sustainability, defined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) as a holistic approach aiming to achieve a balance between the needs of the business world and human life and the sustainability of natural resources, holds significant importance in today's business world.

Sustainability, which is an effective strategic key to creating differentiation and sustaining innovation, has become a core topic for many institutions and organizations, ranging from the business world to civil society organizations.

In the construction materials and assembly sector, as in all sectors, sustainable management is carried out through the adoption of corporate governance principles, along with quality, information security, occupational health and safety, environment and energy, customer satisfaction, corporate social responsibility, human resources, supplier and public information policies, and supporting documents. This enables the implementation of sustainability management and performance enhancement initiatives.

ORGE Roof Solutions has been embracing and advancing the approach and management of sustainability for years with its 9001 quality management system, 14001 Environmental Management System, and 27001 Information Security management systems. In this context, the company aims to preserve today's resources and values in all its systems and applications and pass them on to future generations.

Information Security Policy

ORGE Roof Solutions has defined its Information Security Policy to meet the requirements of the Information Security Management System, maintain its effectiveness, and continue its continuous improvement activities, taking into account legal and customer requirements, as well as considering existing and potential risks.

The risk management framework encompasses the identification, assessment, and treatment of information security risks. The Information Security Management Department is responsible for the management and implementation of this plan. Internal information resources of ORGE Roof Solutions, such as announcements and documents, cannot be disclosed to unauthorized third parties. The company's information technology resources cannot be used for activities that violate the laws of the Republic of Turkey and related regulations. All employees of the company and external parties defined in the Information Security Management System are obligated to comply with this policy and the BGYS policies, procedures, and instructions associated with it.

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